Academic Info
Curriculum Structure
(Click on item to download)
Tutorial Room Timetable
(Click on item to download)
(Click on time to see details)
Academic Staff Workload
(Click on item to download)
(Click on item to download)
Outcome-Based Education (OBE) Material
(Click on item to download)
- Based Education (OBE) - Cognitive Level Guide
- General Rubric (Report, Presentation, Teamwork)
- Subject To PO WK CP EA (PPKSE) 2015 Structure
- Subject To PO WK CP EA (PPKSE) 2018 New Structure
- Infographic EZ OBE for Staff
- Infographic EZ OBE For Student (UnderGraduate)
- Infographic EZ OBE For Student (PostGraduate)
- Infographic PO and LO for Master of Science Research Mode
- Infographic PO and LO for Doctor of Philosophy Research Mode